The “Casa del Acqua” (water stations) by Maffei are automatic dispensers of drinking water obtained directly from the local water mains. They supply still, refrigerated still and refrigerated-sparking water.
They are installed in municipalities and in popular areas of the city. There are models available for installation in residential complexes, schools or also offices. They are available 24 hours a day and are characterised by a micro-filtration system which consists of PFF filtration, activated carbon filtration and a disinfection system using a UV lamp.
Systematic maintenance and a remote control system guarantee quality and safety. Quality control of the water supplied is carried out by “Accredia” certified and accredited laboratories.

“Km 0” water
The “Casa dell’Acqua” (water station) is a “kilometre zero” service, a project offering the community the possibility of choosing to save financial and environmental resources, reducing use of plastic bottles

“Casa dell’Acqua” Water Stations